Arduino Programming with Visual Micro for Atmel Studio 6.1

On June 28, 2013, in Arduino, Programming, by Dennis Hill

With the release of Atmel Studio 6.1 came the ability to use the Visual Micro add-in. This was great timing as the free versions of Visual Studio had stopped being issued leaving a gap in the open hardware development IDE genre.

The version for Atmel Studio 6.1 is very much like the tool for Visual Studio. Which is really to be expected since Atmel Studio is based on the Visual Studio 2010 shell.

The Visual Micro add-in is a great advance in the programming IDE’s for the Arduino platform of processor boards. The support is nothing less than exemplary. And the optional software debugger is a fantastic development tool. Grab a copy of Atmel Studio and then either install the Visual Micro add-in from the gallery or go to www.VisualMicro.com and download it there.

Below are a few videos I did discussing the basic features of this wonderful tool!

Watch in HD

Install Demo

<<  NOTE: Patch is no longer needed! >>

Overview & Micro Explorer demo


Compile & Debug


Debug-Halt-Pause Extern

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Arduino Programming with Visual Micro For Visual Studio 2010 Pro – Install – Demo – Uninstall

On June 26, 2013, in Arduino, by Dennis Hill

I recently stumbled upon another option to program your Arduino boards I want to talk about. It is a plug-in for Visual Studio called Visual Micro. The downside about this great little utility is that it doesn’t work with the Express version of Visual Studio. But if you have a full blown copy of VS, 2008 or newer, then you are in luck!

It installs easily and adds a great compiling performance boost to the standard Arduino IDE. One of its’ best features is the software debugger which is included (30 day trial). The debugger is a nifty little gadget that keeps you from sprinkling those nasty println statements through out your code when you are trying to catch errors. Just click in the margin to set a break-point, then right click on it to define the variables you want to watch. TOO EASY!

You can read more about it here: www.VisualMicro.com

In the following video I discuss the install, give it a short test drive and then uninstall it.

Watch in HD!