Actiontec GT701 DSL Modem Repair

On June 25, 2013, in Repair, by Dennis Hill

After years of service, my Actiontec GT701 DSL modem quit working. This is a cheap pretty much useless modem supplied by my DSL ISP but I have it configured as a transparent bridge, with a real fire wall sitting behind it taking care of all the LAN needs.

As I expected the cause of the problem was capacitors which were easily replaced as shown in the video. Here is a copy of the manual if anyone is looking for a copy.




DIY Arduino Esr Meter Shield – Part 4: Code

On June 25, 2013, in Arduino, Projects, by Dennis Hill

This is part 4 of the ESR Shield build for the Arduino.

In this video I discuss the Arduino code used to make this meter work. Atmel Studio and Visual Micro are shown as the IDE used.

Part 1 can be seen here. Part 2 can be seen here. Part 3 can be seen here.

Download ArduinoESRshieldV1.ino:

Watch in HD!