I recently stumbled upon another option to program your Arduino boards I want to talk about. It is a plug-in for Visual Studio called Visual Micro. The downside about this great little utility is that it doesn’t work with the Express version of Visual Studio. But if you have a full blown copy of VS, 2008 or newer, then you are in luck!

It installs easily and adds a great compiling performance boost to the standard Arduino IDE. One of its’ best features is the software debugger which is included (30 day trial). The debugger is a nifty little gadget that keeps you from sprinkling those nasty println statements through out your code when you are trying to catch errors. Just click in the margin to set a break-point, then right click on it to define the variables you want to watch. TOO EASY!

You can read more about it here: www.VisualMicro.com

In the following video I discuss the install, give it a short test drive and then uninstall it.

Watch in HD!


Actiontec GT701 DSL Modem Repair

On June 25, 2013, in Repair, by Dennis Hill

After years of service, my Actiontec GT701 DSL modem quit working. This is a cheap pretty much useless modem supplied by my DSL ISP but I have it configured as a transparent bridge, with a real fire wall sitting behind it taking care of all the LAN needs.

As I expected the cause of the problem was capacitors which were easily replaced as shown in the video. Here is a copy of the manual if anyone is looking for a copy.