Arduino Programming with Visual Micro For Visual Studio 2010 Pro – Install – Demo – Uninstall

On June 26, 2013, in Arduino, by Dennis Hill

I recently stumbled upon another option to program your Arduino boards I want to talk about. It is a plug-in for Visual Studio called Visual Micro. The downside about this great little utility is that it doesn’t work with the Express version of Visual Studio. But if you have a full blown copy of VS, 2008 or newer, then you are in luck!

It installs easily and adds a great compiling performance boost to the standard Arduino IDE. One of its’ best features is the software debugger which is included (30 day trial). The debugger is a nifty little gadget that keeps you from sprinkling those nasty println statements through out your code when you are trying to catch errors. Just click in the margin to set a break-point, then right click on it to define the variables you want to watch. TOO EASY!

You can read more about it here: www.VisualMicro.com

In the following video I discuss the install, give it a short test drive and then uninstall it.

Watch in HD!


DIY Arduino Esr Meter Shield – Part 4: Code

On June 25, 2013, in Arduino, Projects, by Dennis Hill

This is part 4 of the ESR Shield build for the Arduino.

In this video I discuss the Arduino code used to make this meter work. Atmel Studio and Visual Micro are shown as the IDE used.

Part 1 can be seen here. Part 2 can be seen here. Part 3 can be seen here.

Download ArduinoESRshieldV1.ino:

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